
Free Crochet Cellphone Case

by - Friday, January 25, 2013

Hey! How are you doing guys?

Last week was great for me because we received another set of orders for our crochet patterns. My sister's best friend ordered 2 crochet cellphone case, a crochet card holder and a crochet tablet cozy. I'm halfway done with the card holder and the first cellphone case. I'm hoping to finish the patterns this weekend.

Anyway, our little kitten occupied most of our time the past few days. We named him "Ma-Chang" which sounds cute for him. It's a Chinese dish we found from Ersao's leaflet. Actually we're not sure yet if he's a HE or SHE but we're hoping that he's really a HE. Any body knows how to check if a kitten is male or female?? Please let me know.

Meet Ma-Chang!

Okay! So much for that. Let's go back to the present. Today, I'm going to share with you the pattern I made for this Crochet Cellphone Case. This crochet cellphone case or the QWERTY PHONE CASE as we labeled it, is super easy to make. Beginners would really love this pattern, you can be creative and try to mix different colors or add different accents to make it more cute or classic. 

If you want the classic crochet look you can opt to use a single color of crochet thread or yarn just like what I did with these crochet cellphone cases. 

Crochet Cellphone Case in single color with side flap and button.

Another variation is to add appliques or crocheted decorations like what I did with these little ones.

Crochet Cellphone Case in single color with flap and crocheted decorations (flower, butterfly and star).

To level up your creativity you can also do this style I made for our latest orders.

Crochet Cellphone Case Stripped style.

Lot's of other variation can be done with this pattern so let's get started...

Stripped QWERTY Phone Case

Thread A - Crochet thread the first color you like.
Thread B - Crochet thread of your preference that's different from Thread A :)
Hook - depends on the size of your thread

DC - double crochet
HDC - half double crochet

The Pattern:

Chain 17, half double crochet to the 2nd chain from the hook all the way to the last chain.
Chain 2, half double crochet on the chains above the HDC you did. 
slip stitch to the first stitch.

Row 1-25: double crochet across all the stitches, slip stitch to join, chain 2 (start of new row). Here, you can use Thread A on the first 3 rows, change to Thread B for the next 2 rows and so on. The stripped pattern is up to you. To change the color here's the technique I used, after you made your double crochet on the 2nd to the last stitch leave at least 2 inches of thread and cut the excess. Join Thread A and B with a knot and complete your double crochets. 

If you want to change the color of the flap, you can cut the thread and use the new one. Slip stitch to the side of the body. 

Row 1-3: Half double crochet across, chain 2 and turn. Repeat until 3rd row.
Row 4-5: Double crochet across, chain 2 and turn.
Row 6-7: Double crochet across leaving 3 stitches blank, chain 2 and turn.
Row 8-16: Repeat the same steps above. Remember to leave 23 stitches blank every 2 rows to achieve the diagonal flap style.
Row 17: DC across leaving enough space for the button. Instead of DC use chains on the spaces for the button then DC to complete the row.
Row 18: DC across the stitches and cut the excess thread.

Attach the button. Done!

You can stop after you've finish the body. Here's what it looks like without a flap. A nice crochet cellphone cozy where you can easily slip your phone. Hope you understand the pattern I made. If you're confused please let me know and I'll help you with the pattern.

This pattern is great for qwerty and touch-screen phones. A colorful way to wrap your gadgets!

I joined these parties too:

Pretty Things Link party @ twelveOeight

Crafty Confessions

A Crafty Soiree
Have a Great Day ahead!

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13 check comments here

  1. No matter how much care you take, there are instances wherein our phone drops onto the ground. If the cover weren't present there could be chances of damaging the phone. Your mobile cover may not protect the phone totally, but the amount of damage would be a lot less.


    1. Yes, phones can accidentally slip off the case if it has no cover that's why I made mine with a secure cover. I tried my crochet phone cases before publishing them and they're all great at securing my phones. Accidental drops depends on how you use your phone case. Use crochet cellphone case properly and you'll have no problem. Cheers!

  2. I love the cell phone cases...thanks for a great pattern!

    TracyAnn from www.crochethappy.com and http://asktracyann.crochethappy.com

    1. Hi Tracy! I hope the pattern was clear. Thanks a lot!

  3. Great pattern! Thanks for sharing! I think this would also work as a case for sunglasses, which I really need!

    1. Thanks! I'd love to see how it looks on your sunglasses! Please send me a pic of your work :) Have a great day!

  4. Hi! Thanks for your patterns! I've been looking for inspiration for a cell phone case for my mum and yours really helped :) By the way, here's a link to help you check if your cat is a boy or a girl. Hope it helps! http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_tell_if_a_kitten_is_a_boy_or_girl

    1. Thanks! I hope the pattern was clear. If something's not clear don't hesitate to drop by and leave a comment here. And thanks for the link I'll check this out :)

  5. I love the vibrant colors you chose for this project!

  6. hey!! love your creativty these are utterly gorgeous...

  7. Thanks so much for this AWESOME idea!! I,,orange mobiles

  8. excellent piece of handicraft!!
    do you sell in eBay??
    clipping path

  9. i saw these kind of work from my grannies. you have done a great job.thank you for sharing.
    clipping path


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