
Life Lately: Life During Pandemic 2021

Sunday, January 17, 2021 / BY Miss Layne
Hi readers! How are you?  It's been more than a year since I got hold of my blog and I was itching to get back and share my thoughts with you. I super missed blogging and I owe you big time for not updating for months. Since my last blog last 2019 so much happened and work really got in my way. Work occupied most, well not most, almost all of my time that leisure...

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Life Lately: January 2019

Saturday, February 09, 2019 / BY Miss Layne
We are about halfway February! It's the 40th day of 2019. Why so quick? The past two months passed by so fast that I wasn't even able to open my blog. I was caught up with my new job and the gatherings that took place last December. But this afternoon, I was inspired to make a post after watching Lavendaire's latest video. If you do not know her, she's one of my favorite YouTubers that...

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DIY: Glue gun Snowflakes

Tuesday, November 27, 2018 / BY Miss Layne
Hey! Christmas is just around the corner and everyone seemed to be very busy to even put up their Christmas trees at home. Lucky, we only have a small version of the tree (which is way cheaper) that we can decorate it even with just a few ornaments.  So, to spice it up a bit, my sister thought that we go for a purple and silver Christmas theme this year. We gathered up what we...

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How to go to Manaoag, Pangasinan from Valenzuela

Monday, November 12, 2018 / BY Miss Layne
We went on a short visit to Pangasinan to have our cars blessed by the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Manaoag last weekend. It was a nice experience because it was our first time to travel north with the whole family. So, if you are also planning to go there here's a short summary and guide for the trip.  How to Get there We left our house at 2:30 am and took...

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Life Lately: October 2018

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 / BY Miss Layne
October is about to end tomorrow and we only have about 56 days to go before Christmas. Aren't you excited? Well, how are you all doing? I hope you are having a good month so far. It was raining outside and I had the mood to update my blog this afternoon so, here I am. By the way, I'd like to thank all of you guys who are continuously reading my blog and checking out...

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DIY Watercolor Bookmarks

Monday, October 29, 2018 / BY Miss Layne
I've been hooked to watercolor painting and reading books lately that I thought why don't I mix them up together. So, I made this very simple and super easy DIY Watercolor Bookmarks. They are so cute and will surely spice up your reading time. D I Y  W A T E R C O L O R  B O O K M A R K S Things you need:  Watercolor paper, watercolors, paint brush, artist/paper...

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Life lately: September 2018

Monday, September 03, 2018 / BY Miss Layne
Hi guys! How are you all doing? I decided to make a short post today because I kinda need something to uplift my mood from all the worries I've been having lately. My last Life lately post was way back May 2018 and it's literally months before I finally obliged myself to make another post.  As you can see, I have not made a post last month because I could not find any motivation aside...

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